Ohio State University - Senior Thesis

Coexist: Book of Faiths

Coexist: The Story of Faiths, is an interactive, digital book that takes children on a journey through the top five most practiced religions in the world. This hands on experience offers an exciting way for parents and their child to learn more about other belief systems while practicing tolerance and objectivity.

Role: Creation - Thesis

  • Choose a religion.

    Users have a choice of exploring Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity.

  • Track your progress.

    As parent and child move through a religion their progress is marked to show what they’ve accomplished.

  • Decide your path.

    Checkpoints allow the users to choose the sequence in which they want to learn about the faith.

  • Dive into topics.

    Each category has it’s own unique screens that help children visualize and learn more about that topic.

The overview.

The demo.